Thursday, June 28, 2007

Travel to India (day 1)

Over the last 48 hours I've experienced the most insane travel experience ever.. .for me at least.

Board an airplane at 1:30 in the morning in San Francisco, arrive in Hong Kong about 13 hours later, then 2 hours later get back in the same plane and on to Singapore.
An 8 hour layover there, and then on for 5 hours to Hyderabad, India. I thought the videos you see on YouTube of traffic in India were sped up, and heavily editted.. now I realize it is a straight download from a webcam that was pointed at any random intersection in Hyderabad.. Just add more cars to it. The honking, the cars going every where.. it's all true.

The funniest part was my driver dropping me off across the street from the office, instead of at the front door.. He saw immediately I wasn't quite ready to cross the street yet.. he got out and said "follow me" and just started walking across.. I guess cars just stop if there is someone on the road. So I did what he showed me and just blindly crossed the road.. well, I'm still alive, posting this message here, and hopefully be posting some more in the days to come.
For now I'm going back to work.. talk to you tomorrow! I'll post some pictures later as well.

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